sebab2 aku wat blog:
1. lecturer suruh.. kene post assgnmnt kat blog, dia akn cek..
2. lepas da abes sem, da alang2 ade account, y not teruskan je kn?
3. rumet aku suh~
4. mula terfikir utk tulis macam2 yg aku rase (luahkan).
lepas da wat blog:
1. oh, aku da taw spe yg da jumpe blog aku.
2. xrase mcm nk tulis sume yg aku rase, sebab aku taw spe yg bce, so aku bukan la jenis yg slese berkongsi segala dgn sesiapa.
3. byk yg ingn ditulis, tp akhirnya niat mati begitu shj, xtaw kenapa.
bile difikir2kan blik:
1. ala... skati la, blog kite, tulis je la pe kite nk kn??
2. itu hak kite.
3. org lain peduli ape?
1. ade je penulis blog yg kene tgkp sebab sesuki je tulis pe dia nk~~
2. lgpun, de ke org yg setia follow blog aku, jd nk risau pe~
1. ape yg ade nie je la yg mampu diluahkan......
2. xsemua pasal aku ade ditulis disini.
3. pembetulan, aku xnk pun tulis pasal aku.
4. habis ape yg aku tulis??
5. ??????
*sebab tu la kot, description blog aku *unknown*~
p/s: bezfren aku ckp nama blog aku jiwang~~ea?
i really think blog is a place where we shared something interesting that we found and where we stated our opinions and thoughts. just make your blog more,how should i say this,more 'you'. some people put up what they encounter everyday,some just talk craps. it depends on how we wanted to create our blog. just like creating your child i think. if you wanted more ideas about what should you put in your blog,go blog-walking. then you'll get the idea.
wish you good luck! ;p
tq yan~~
tq sebab sudi bace blog aku..
no problems dear. :)
blog seswai utk org yg byk cakap mcm dodun..
dodun? mcm kenal~
Bahahaha kenal lg ke eh?
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